‘Mediocre’ male managers are stopping women’s rise. Of course they are.

Our thanks to Nigel for this gem posted by a woman on the BBC website today. An extract:

Gender-diversity consultancy The Pipeline last year found that large UK firms whose executive boards are at least one-third female are 10 times more profitable on average than all-male boards.

Just let that sink in in for a moment. 10 times more profitable. Doesn’t your common sense tell you that’s laughably ridiculous? Of course. Last July I posted the blog piece Our public challenge of 38 people at The Pipeline. Not one of them responded to my public challenge. Of course they didn’t. The mainstream media never challenge female ideologues.

I turn to our sane commentator, Nigel. He writes:

So the “researchers” – parasitic feminists one and all, we can be sure – interviewed just 79 women in a huge industry, “the City”, and found that they reckoned their true worth is not recognised by “mediocre” more senior managers. Call me cynical but I’d guess many many people, male and female, “feel” they are not properly recognised by higher management. Almost inevitable in a pyramidal hierarchy where few can progress to the top.

Of course no one would dare interview senior managers about how they make their judgements, in case they might cite precisely the same things often highlighted in other “research”. Lack of confidence, unwillingness to take individual responsibility, unwillingness to take risks, all cited by feminists as things women need “help” with. Could it possibly be that many of the 79 interviewees are simply not as good as they think they are? In a very competitive field it seems unlikely businesses are busy promoting “mediocre” managers. And of course this is yet more “research” about sex differences that doesn’t bother asking even one man about how men might see this.

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