
You can write to J4MB at the following address:

Justice for Men & Boys (J4MB)

27 Old Gloucester Street

London WC1N 3AX

Mike Buchanan, the leader of J4MB, invites you to email him ( or call him (07967 026163).


Our YouTube channel is here, our Facebook channel here, our Twitter channel here.

7 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Mike, check out the local paper for Greenville, NC, crime section. 14 men and 3 women responded to an internet prostitution police sting. All the men had their names published and were arrested. The women were offered “help”. I kid you not. Just feeding you some news. Keep up the good work.


  2. Mike, are you aware of this?

    Please can I have some support in helping to challenge and expose these liars. I have already posted a few comments of my own:

    Here is the MAIN site.

    This could very well be one of the most DESTRUCTIVE campaigns of sexism (against men), bigotry and misinformation that I have seen this year. What is particularly frightening is that it is being backed by some of the most powerful women in the world – many of which are on FORBES’s list of powerful people.


  3. This news story riled me. Around here, you can be jailed for nicking a tin of stewed meat worth £2, even if you’re starving. Yet this woman stole nearly £1000 worth of luxury goods and got off with it because the judge thought she was ‘talented.’

    I can’t believe that an equally talented man accused of the same offence would’ve been let off.


  4. A brilliant video dissection of the processes that led to the adoption of The Duluth Model – the mother of all male-blaming for domestic violence incidents, first in the USA, and then elsewhere. And male lawmakers swallowed it whole. A prime example of feminist playing males like flutes, something which has happened time and time again, female “academics” being the mistresses of the art.


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