Whiny Feminists of the Month

[Note added 29.11.16: We haven’t been regularly presenting ‘Feminist of the Month’ awards since April 2016, because people now fully understand that feminists are whiny, gormless, toxic liars. We shall in future present awards on an ad-hoc basis.]

The prime weapon employed by feminists is whining, a continuation of little girls’ employment of, ‘It’s not fair – wah! wah!! wah!!!’ along with associated foot stamping.

Feminist Personality Disorder, as it’s known to psychologists, is a developmental disorder. These women have never made the transition from childhood to adulthood. It follows they don’t accept – unlike normal women – that they should achieve their goals in life through work, rather than whining.

We’ve been presenting Whiny Feminist of the Month awards since November 2013, revealing to the world the extent of feminist whining.

A Voice for Men is the most-visited and most influential men’s human rights advocacy website in the world, and our piece on The Whine Club was published there. We were delighted by the number and quality of comments the piece has attracted.

We invited nominations for our Whiny Feminist of the Month awards, and were inundated with suggestions, as you’d expect. More than a few people have suggested we have a ‘Whiny Feminist of the Week’ award, but we’re too busy to add that to our list of things to do. Maybe one day. Frankly, there are more than enough contenders for ‘Whiny Feminist of the Day’ awards.

We only present these awards on an ad hoc basis now. The fact that feminists are invariably whiners is very well understood by people with an interest in gender politics.

The inaugural winner of the Whiny Feminist of the Month award, which leads to automatic membership of The Whine Club, was – quelle surprise – Laura Bates, the ‘brains’ behind The Everyday Sexism Project. We generally refer to her as The Everyday Whining Project. Her certificate is here.

Subsequent winners of the award are below, in reverse chronological order:

May 2017: Gretchen Kelly American blogger

March 2016: Caroline Criado-Perez Whine merchant (she also won this award in April 2014)

December 2015: Martina Batovic, Valeria Napoleone Whiners about the prices paid by collectors for works by female artists

November 2015: Carolyn Fairbairn Director-general, CBI

October 2015: Emily Thornberry Labour MP

July 2015: Sarah Pritchard Associate professor, Cornell University

Demands on our time mean we can’t present these awards as often as they’re deserved, so henceforth they’ll only be presented on an ad hoc basis.

December 2014: ‘womaninthewoods’ A woman suffering from Feminist Personality Disorder

November 2014: Dr Heather Savigny Politics lecturer, Bournemouth University

October 2014: Laura Bates Whine merchant. The second time Special Snowflake has won this award.

September 2014: Meg Hillier Labour MP

August 2014: Jo Swinson Liberal Democrat MP

July 2014: Harriet Harman Labour MP

June 2014: Dina Rickman London-based ‘journalist’

May 2014: Professor Jennifer Coates University of Roehampton

April 2014: Caroline Criado-Perez Whine merchant

March 2014: Sally Morgan Baroness Morgan of Huyton

February 2014: Hannah Betts Journalist

January 2014: Ellie Slee Blogger at The Huffington Post.

December 2013: Julie Bentley Chief executive of Girlguiding UK

November 2013: Contributors to Mumsnet

Please email me mike@j4mb.org.uk with details of any feminist you’d like to nominate for an award. I know it’s difficult to choose just one out of so many obvious contenders, but do your best. Thank you.

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