Patrick Benham-Cresswell: A courageous PM would scrap female combat troops

Well argued. There is no rational case to be made for female combat troops. They would be a danger to themselves and to the many men who would prioritise saving female colleagues’ lives over mission success, regardless of the consequences.

2 thoughts on “Patrick Benham-Cresswell: A courageous PM would scrap female combat troops

  1. The folly and absurdity of this policy WILL be it’s own undoing.
    The question is how much damage will be done until this madness has passed.


  2. Female combat troops… It sounds foolish to the ear immediately. Why have men even consider allowing it ? The only possible explanation is, once again, out of gentlemanly politeness, not to offend the ladies. I’m afraid men MUST stop tolerating women’s foolish demands simply for traditional politeness. It is completely wrong, dangerous and counterproductive. Save the traditions for private life, not professional one.


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