3 thoughts on “Julie Bindel: Juries have no place at rape trials – victims deserve unprejudiced justice

  1. Having just watched Prof. Evison’s detailed presentation what he feared/predicted it just this. Doing away with the safeguards built up in order to target one specific group (in English law only men can commit Rape). The links with the special courts for Jews in Nazi Germany and those for “unbelievers or heretics in Islamic State/s are obvious and a party about Justice must make them. In a sense at least Ms. Bindel has taken the step up being up front about wanting to do away with basic hard won principles of Law and Justice to specifically remove the right to trial for males based solely on their biological sex.


  2. “Specially trained judge”.
    That’ll be the hangin’ judge then.

    And the 6% conviction figure has been shewn to be false.
    After the liars, aging fantasists (Waterloogate), attention seekers and unproovables have been weeded out, the conviction rate is similar to any other charge.


  3. Julie Bindel is about as bigoted, sexist and misandric as they come. How she has avoided falling foul of the UK’s hate laws confuses me. This is the same misandrist who penned an article back in 2006 entitled ‘Why I hate men’

    She is co-founder of a pressure group Justice for Women, which opposes convictions against violent women and helps women convicted of domestic violence appeal their sentence, so long as their victim is male.

    Now, she has gone all-out Solanas and declared ‘All Men Are Rapists and Should Be Put in Prison Then Shot’


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