Woke women paid thousands of dollars for this

Our thanks to Tom for this (short video).


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2 thoughts on “Woke women paid thousands of dollars for this

  1. Lol. So often so much women complain about is of their own making. Really illustrated by this other sort of “coach” for women ‘I avoid burnout by being really boring – I wear the same clothes every day and eat from paper plates’ – Manchester Evening News

    If you look at this genius coach closely you find “being really boring” really means dressing for practicality with a set of clothes for work which don’t require much thought everyday, taking practical steps about meals in a hurry, simplifying housework, in short adopting what are often seen in research as “male” behaviours. In short, stop being so vain and obsessing about how you look personally and in the home, and you’ll save time and effort. Revolutionary eh.?


  2. I’m sure these broads paid big bucks for this. It was completely ineffective because there’s no men to scream at! If they would have just attacked each other in a bitch fight they would have had a much better time.


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