Women-only museum becomes a toilet to keep men out

Our thanks to Alan for this. He writes:

“What is interesting is that it includes some of the Museum’s best artworks, all by men of course, such as Picasso and that the only point seems to be to exclude men from viewing the best works and they are so determined to do this that they are willing to break the law to do so.

The artist claims that excluding men is to  “promote equal opportunity”. How does that work?

The childish level of sexist bigotry is revealed in that she says: “only on Sundays, men would be allowed into the space – to learn ironing and laundry folding.”

I must admit if the gallery was simply exhibiting derivative unoriginal and meritless works by feminist artists I would not think it worthwhile to sue but it’s excluding men from the most important works the Museum has. I wonder what the  proportion of funding for the Museum came from men?

I wonder what message is being sent by making the women’s only gallery a toilet?”


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