SCOTLAND: A new specialist sexual offences court will be created and a pilot project will see rape and attempted rape cases being held without a jury, with a single judge deciding whether or not the accused is guilty.

OUTRAGEOUS. The news  is to be found well into a BBC piece titled, “Not proven verdict to be scrapped in Scottish courts”. An extract:

A new specialist sexual offences court will be created and a pilot project will see rape and attempted rape cases being held without a jury, with a single judge deciding whether or not the accused is guilty.

The move is aimed at increasing the country’s low conviction rate for serious sexual offences.

Only about half of rape and attempted rape trials result in a conviction. The overall conviction rate in trials is about 90%.

Rape and attempted rape trials have also been far more likely to end in a not proven verdict that trials for other offences.

There were 2,176 rapes and attempted rapes reported to the police in 2020/21, but only 152 prosecutions and just 78 convictions.

William Collins estimates using government statistics in The Empathy Gap (2019) that 77% of the rape allegations made to the police in the UK are false.

The consequences of abolishing juries for rape trials are obvious and predictable. Far more false rape allegations will be made, and far more innocent men sent to prison by feminist and feminist-compliant judges. We can be sure that judges who don’t convict a high percentage of men charged with rape will be stopped from judging such cases. Let us hope Scottish judges and the legal community fight this tooth and nail.
This would seem a good time to publish a link to Janet Bloomfield’s article, 13 reasons women lie about rape.
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2 thoughts on “SCOTLAND: A new specialist sexual offences court will be created and a pilot project will see rape and attempted rape cases being held without a jury, with a single judge deciding whether or not the accused is guilty.

  1. As you say given the measure of “success” will be a higher % of convictions it is a baleful development. As always this sort of article concentrates on the feelings of the complainant. Never considers the well documented effects on the accused nor the fact that the accused faces a substantial period in prison. The remark of the lawyer opposing this says it all. “It has been abolished in Russia, it was abolished in Nazi Germany. I don’t expect the jury system to be abolished in Scotland.”
    The accused is not prosecuted by the complainant, but by the “crown” with the full resources of the state. With only the honesty of the judge and ordinary people on the jury to protect him from the state. The stakes are high with substantial periods of incarceration and even longer on some “register” being the fate of the convicted.
    It is remarkable that over a century on from the Victorian era and following the “Sexual revolution”. In 2023 still this issue is presented as one of delicate retiring ladies requiring every protection to their fragile feelings. No wonder juries find it hard to believe today’s young women, proud to be “sluts” and indulge in all sorts of brief sexual dalliances, are so delicate and chaste as their Victorian ancestors.


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