Why women lie about rape (and why a former Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police is denying having told the truth to a feminist “professor” about the matter)

William Collins reveals in his remarkable book The Empathy Gap – the ebook edition costs only £4.32 on Amazon – that 77% of the rape claims women make to the police are false allegations. He used just two official statistics to arrive at the figure.

In 2014 Janet Bloomfield, a wonderful Canadian anti-feminist MRA, wrote the insightful article, 13 reasons women lie about rape.

An article in the Mail today about Sir Stephen House, a former Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, privately spoke the truth about most rape ‘victims’ to a woman, and of course now has to deny the matter.

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2 thoughts on “Why women lie about rape (and why a former Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police is denying having told the truth to a feminist “professor” about the matter)

  1. As you say there will be usual hoohah. Though “Professor” Stanko has previous in spreading untruths. Looking into her Linked in biography one sees the usual rather chequered career in minor Universities segueing into a series of diversity “jobs” in public services.
    Way back at the time of the Sexual Offences Bill and Act I was interested in the debates because it also covered disability and institutions. The debates about the word “Rape” being included (rather than serious sexual assault) highlighted the inconsistencies. For of course Rape had come out of previous laws set in a society that regarded and sex outside marriage as morally dubious and which regarded Rape as an attack from a stranger or bounder contravening social convention and accompanying an assault. In a way simply defined and simple to investigate. But of course by the late 20th Century far from a “sacred thing” for within socially sanctioned relationships it had become a matter of healthy self-expression devoid of moral context. So in fact those framing a law regulating a “do as you please” society had some real problems. Which is where they alighted on “consent” borrowed from medical usage in consent to treatment. And then there was the problem of “Rape” with even some “sex positive” feminists arguing that the term itself made no sense in a “modern world” where actually sex was simply healthy self-expression. Of course there were the “all heterosexual sex is rape” brigade too. In a sense the latter “won” and the word was written into the Act. But of course it now referred to acts far wider than the traditional view held by most of the public.
    Now of course the Police have to police this anything goes society, and what they are actually policing in general is not the behaviour of nice middle class couples but more akin to the Jeremy Kyle show segments of society. So actually they get a whole load of idiocy, inebriation, vengeful, drugs addled, mindless stuff on a daily basis which somehow they have to deal with. Add in loads of publicity and “campaigns” claiming various things are “rape” when they are simply not, as legally defined. Its easy to see why so much doesn’t get to court. So any front line officer sees a heck of a lot of “false” , retracted or obviously spurious reports and knows full well way the way all sorts of accusations get bandied about for trivial reasons.
    Personally I suspect Stanko is in fact telling a lie, about something that was supposedly a year ago. However the officer may well have tried to point out that in “Rape” as in many other crimes a huge number of “reports” are made for all sorts of reasons.


    • Thanks Nigel. I think the “professor” is telling the truth – despite being a feminist – but the ex-Commissioner has little option but to deny it. It’s a serious breach of trust on her part, and a calculated one. We’re hearing the inevitable feminist BS about how telling the truth in this area (not that they’d admit that part!) risks deterring “genuine” victims of rape from coming forward. In 10 years I’ve never heard that nonsense challenged. And so the public never hears the truth, that the majority of rape allegations made to the police are false (William Collins’s book).


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