Elizabeth Hobson has stepped down as the J4MB party leader

Elizabeth Hobson, the mother of two sons, recently started a full-time job caring for the elderly and others. As I’d anticipated, she’s greatly enjoying the work. But she’s realised that the job leaves her with little of the time and energy required to lead J4MB so she’s decided to stand down as party leader, asking me to return in the role, to which I’ve agreed.

I should like to record my appreciation of Elizabeth for leading the party since last May, 10 months ago, and for her commitment to the role. She’s been a delight to work with, and we shall continue to collaborate on projects including the Gender Matters series of videos, and ICMI21.

I return to the role of party leader with fully recharged batteries, and plans to do some things differently, which will manifest themselves over time. I thank you for your continuing support, financial and otherwise.

Our last general election manifesto is here.

Our YouTube channel is here, our Facebook channel here, our Twitter channel here.

If everyone who read this gave us £5.00 – or even better, £5.00 or more, monthly – we could change the world. £5.00 monthly would entitle you to Bronze party membership, details here. Benefits include a dedicated and signed book by Mike Buchanan. Click below to make a difference. Thanks.

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