How to Destroy A Man Now (DAMN): A Handbook

Our thanks to Dick for pointing us to this book, published 10 days ago. Would Amazon sell a book titled How to Destroy a Woman Now? Of course not. The description on Amazon:

A wave of sexual misconduct allegations about powerful men have exploded recently in the media (e.g., the news, Twitter #MeToo, etc.). A bold social movement has begun with brave women coming forward and being applauded for speaking out and sharing their stories of abuse, discrimination, and harassment. As a result, accused men like Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, and dozens more have been removed from power and are suffering the consequences.

In How to Destroy A Man Now (DAMN), Dr. Angela Confidential (a business psychologist, consultant, and human resource professional) empowers women with a step-by-step guide for destroying a man’s reputation and removing him from power.

In easy to understand terms, the handbook reveals and explains the fundamental dynamics between allegations, the media, and authority as they relate to male misconduct in today’s society. It also unveils and details practical real-world methods for leveraging allegations, media, and authorities to dethrone a man from power.


16 thoughts on “How to Destroy A Man Now (DAMN): A Handbook

  1. DAWN [Destroy A Woman Now]? I’m raising a beautiful and intelligent anti-feminist daughter, so I’d definitely boycott that one too. Feminism is eating itself. Had a meeting with my bank manager yesterday, …I insisted that she keep the door wide open or else we could talk in the public area. She said that she’d already got the memo…


    • You assume too much. Yes, it is feeding on itself. But too many real governments have too much invested into feminist ideals, to let it die. It is essentially “Too big to fail!”

      It must be outed at every street corner, university, college, public school, military, government function, public function, and the like until it is rooted out!

      It cannot be allowed to continue as it is. To where socialist Europe, and Russia, gained power in the 30s after a couple decades of screaming in universities, and bullying stores (ring a bell?); feminism has been gestating (lol) its ideals over a century. Piggy backing off of Hitler’s, and MLK’s, movements alike. Whatever progresses their vision, they co-opt.

      They have even convinced the world that a modern version of Baal worship (killing babies because they aren’t human/inconvenient), is not only ok, but a natural right! Think about that. For centuries, the sacrifice of an infant was shunned because of the abysmal Middle eastern practice. As well as everywhere else. And now, YOU are shunned for saying it is wrong.

      If the socialist monsters of last century could have harnessed the thoughts of Betty Friedan and company, they would have possibly won WW2 without firing a shot.


  2. Beware of giving this book any sort of review. Amazon’s algorithms automatically advertise the book more and more in “also boughts” and email recommendations to customers – and the algorithm doesn’t care whether the reviews are negative or not, it just cares about the number of reviews. Trust me, I have had reason to investigate how Amazon works. Just leave it to die the miserable, neglected, dust-covered neglect that it deserves and be happy that your average feminist is too busy stroking her cat to leave a review herself. The one thing that you ouught to do is to click “helpful” on the existing one-star reviews and “not helpful” on any “good” reviews that may appear.


    • I just made a separate complaint under the “incorrect product information ”
      box. That way no review to promote it.

      no guarantee it will achieve anything though.


  3. From inside:
    “It’s the last part of what constitutes an allegation that makes it uniquely useful: (italics) no evidence is required. This independence from proof allows you to make an allegation about any man doing anything without being encumbered by a need for facts.”
    This book is specifically a guide to making FALSE allegations. Genuine victims of harassment or abuse need to look elsewhere.


  4. Well I think all male MPs should get a copy, and indeed all the “Boards” so keen to have women join them. A it may help them “wake up” an B it may assist them in countering accusers being fore armed. It also does a useful service in being explicitly about leverage and false claims. Rather than boycott spread it around. Feminism feeds on the fiction of women as “saints to be believed” this pretty much demolishes that.


  5. I wonder when the reciprocation starts to appear in print and sales of DAWN are offered on Amazon:

    “A New Day Approaches – Destroy A Woman Now… DAWN”


  6. I feel sorry for the powerful men who suffer years of sexual harassment by harpies and harlots seeking favors. This malevolent persecution will undermine the credibility of real victims and ultimately men are not even going to want to work with women anymore.


    • I have heard from a few women( who have the hiring decisions) that they have become wary of employing women( unless they appear to be the career minded person like themselves) for fear of being the one who vouched for the loose cannon that ended up taking the employer to tribunal or crying some form of misogyny. It was already felt in private the risk involved in hiring someone who is going to go on maternity leave and then to not come back( which I think is unfair to parents).
      many men I know of will not have any conversation with women either in private or out of sight of witnesses..

      Its a great shame when people( real victims as you said) are being used to further someone else s political agenda


      • same thing happened to transgender people… nobody will risk employing us because there are some pushing idiotic grievance agenda. As if it wasn’t hard enough to start with, who can blame employers for not wanting to get involved now?! ?


    • Its already happened, and instead of toning it down, the likes of Sandberg’s are screaming for more. These foolish male “mentors” will be mentoring their future replacement via false accusation. I seriously doubt Sandberg even considers these men human. Merely tools to be utilized, and then destroyed.


  7. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????? I knew these fools were there. But I never thought they would come out and say it like that!!!!

    The quoted portion doesn’t even discuss whether the man is innocent or guilty. Apparently, that doesn’t matter. What matters is removing anyone with a penis from power, even if they were the creator of the vehicle you are after, by any means necessary.

    These extreme socialists must be stopped. Between the “black washing” of European history for PC ends (like portraying Hadrian’s legions in what is now the UK as black), to the damnable attempts to single out an entire gender; these fools will kill millions, if not billions, if they ever gain true power. They are PC religious fanatics!!!

    Why is it, every so many generations, we let a Stalin/Pol-Pot/Hitler/African-dictator(because equality lol)/Mao into power, and then get millions of our own people or others brutally butchered before we learn how toxic and evil this Marxism really is?

    We have got to stop this!!!


  8. this should be available as a free pdf so that 1-the author doesnt profit 2-men learn feminist tricks for free and be able to either properly retaliate or even strike the feminazi first.


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