Jordon Holbrook’s petition: “Create a Minister for Men that operates separately from the Minister for Women”

Please join me in signing this.

The text of the petition:

Create a Minister for Men that operates separately from the Minister for Women
A ‘Minister for Women (and Equalities)’ cannot simultaneously be a ‘Minister for Men’ yet, that is what’s in place. Despite men raising issues in Parliament, men’s issues are not raised. A male-specific voice is required, equality demands it!

Such issues for the Minister for Men to address: Paternity Rights (or, the lack of!) Male Suicide (4x higher than female) Homelessness (approx. 90% male) Education (boys have been failing at every level since the 1990s) Domestic Violence (40% victims are male) False Allegations of Abuse Disparity in health funding (prostate v breast cancer) More information here.

2 thoughts on “Jordon Holbrook’s petition: “Create a Minister for Men that operates separately from the Minister for Women”

  1. Tried to sign, but got this on the screen:

    “We’re checking this petition
    5 people have already supported Jordan Holbrook’s petition.
    We need to check it meets the petition standards before we publish it.
    Please try again in a few days.”

    Looks like they’re trying to think of a way to ban the petition. If so, can there be any plainer demonstration of the power and influence of the Marxist-feminist ideologies? Feminists want to control everything. Even a simple Minister for Equality would not end well for men. Feminism is female privilege and hatred of men, based on false history, distorted statistics, and outright lies. Is there anybody apart from feminists who still seriously believes that feminism is all about equality?


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