Channel 4 News does a piece on the gender pay gap at the BBC. But who to present it? Why, Cathy Newman of course! What could possibly go wrong?

Channel 4 News included two pieces tonight of potential interest to those with an interest in gender matters, a link to the programme is here. From 27:37 – 30:50 there’s a piece on Liam Allan, the university student whose recent rape trial was halted when it was learned police had failed to disclose his accuser’s mobile phone records to the defence team, records which proved his innocence. From 30:51 – 37:04 there’s a piece on the gender pay gap, presented by Cathy Newman – because her recent interview of Jordan Peterson amply demonstrated her deep insights into the issue – including an interview with Tony Hall, Baron Hall of Birkenhead, Director-General of the BBC. He commissioned studies which have reported there’s no gender bias in setting salaries at the BBC, so he’s made it his declared aim end to end the gender pay gap at the BBC in a short period of time. Yes, that makes sense.

4 thoughts on “Channel 4 News does a piece on the gender pay gap at the BBC. But who to present it? Why, Cathy Newman of course! What could possibly go wrong?

  1. “He commissioned studies which have reported there’s no gender bias in setting salaries at the BBC, so he’s made it his declared aim end to end the gender pay gap at the BBC in a short period of time.”

    He’s got to solve a problem that doesn’t exist as per his own report, for which whatever arse covering bureaucratic paper shuffle process he makes up to pretend to deal with the non-existing problem his own report tells him does not exist will cost us handsomely.

    This process will be given a silly name and be trumpeted in the media, where feminists will complain about it. The fudge will stick for a year or two until it’s well recompensed author has been forgotten. Then the whole cycle of whinge, fight, cave, surrender will begin again. It will continue until newspapers can print some variation of the following headline:

    “Sexist no more, women pull ahead of men in BBC pay scales for first time ever.”

    Subheading: “When will private sector follow suit?”


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