2 thoughts on “BBC celebrates “inspirational” radical feminist who believes regret is rape & campaigned against recognising male victims of abuse

  1. BBC 100 Women and the BBC Magazine are havens for Social Justice Warriors hiding from the still tenuously enforced notion that the BBC can’t be the TV wing of the Guardian. BBC funding needs to get through Parliament and they know lots of people there would love to sell off the corporation (note: not because they are our allies, but because of ideology and old grudges). Therefore the BBC can’t openly (under the table is another matter) come out and endorse things like quotas for women in boardrooms until there is seen to be overwhelming public support for them. It builds that support (or helps to build it) through things like the BBC 100 women articles it puts out, normalizing an airbrushed view of women that leaves out all the controversial parts. Would that it extended the same courtesy to people campaigning for men’s rights lol.


  2. I’ve looked at Kelly’s Wiki page.

    She was asked by the CPS (of course), why so many rapists got away without being prosecuted. A loaded question, of course, which she was delighted at answer.

    Her answer was: “at each stage of the legal process, stereotypes and prejudices play a part in decision-making”.

    I have a better answer. It’s because there is no evidence that large numbers of rapes are being committed. Does this woman want men to be convicted when there is no evidence apart fro a woman’s word that they committed a crime.Yes, of course, she does.

    And she defines sexual violence as : “any physical, visual, verbal or sexual act that is experienced by the woman or girl, at the time or later, as a threat, invasion or assault, that has the effect of hurting her or degrading her and/or takes away her ability to control”

    Her ability to control what?


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