Sophie ‘Doughnuts’ Walker, Women’s Equality Party leader, proposes free childcare

Our thanks to Stu for this. An extract:

She said policies designed to work for women would result in a political system that worked better for everyone. [‘Everyone’ meaning work-centred professional women in this context.]

Investing in free childcare in the same way previous governments had invested in physical infrastructure, for example, would “have a positive knock-on for everyone in a very, very positive way”. [‘Everyone’ other than men whose taxes will largely pay for this communist-inspired initiative, children, women who want to look after their kids at home rather than go out to work…]

She added that women in the UK still did not have the same options as men, [nonsense – where’s your evidence, Doughnuts?] with men still outnumbering women in Parliament, [in relation to the proportion of people applying to become PPCs who are women, women are already heavily over-represented in Parliament] the continued existence of a pay gap between men and women [Nurse, can I please have more morphine?] and women suffering disproportionately from austerity measures. [maybe because they benefited far more than men from state support in more prosperous times?]

How do you know Sophie Walker is talking idiotic nonsense? Her lips move.

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7 thoughts on “Sophie ‘Doughnuts’ Walker, Women’s Equality Party leader, proposes free childcare

    • Poor old Evan Davis. Incredulous that Labour has departed from the BBC, the epicentre of “New Labour”. Having spent so much time trying to tell us Corbyn is just a nice Blairite really. Then Corbyn’s Labour goes all socialist on them.
      Just as with the NI plan by the Tories it seems the well paid of the MSM and BEEB in particular have noted that they fall within the Labour tax bracket.
      How they must long for identity politics and virtue signalling at no cost to themselves.


  1. Free stuff for everyone!
    Roll up, roll up! Just vote for me to get your free stuff….

    Nothing is free, everything has to be paid for.
    If not today, then tomorrow.
    If not this way, then that way.

    If this is the level of WEP (Wimmins Exaggeration Party) thinking and policy they must be truly stupid.
    Otherwise they must think WE’RE stupid.

    In either case they’re not wanted here.


  2. Mike, you could honour Mrs Walker by naming a J4M&B award after her. How about Doughnut of the Month, to be given to the feminist, male, female or LGTBXRZPSQ, who makes the most idiotic male/female comparison of the month, or perhaps those who scrawl the most absurd ‘my body my choice’ type statements on their naked but better covered up bodies?


  3. ‘free’ childcare… that’s what the communists provided – at the expense of freedom and competition . I think it is blatantly clear that if we allow women to govern, we will end up with a pseudo communist regime.


  4. I have a question. It should really be directed at WEP, but I don’t think they would ever answer it.

    If “free childcare would transform lives, increase the tax base and mean fewer people on out-of-work benefits.”, then does that mean free childcare will increase tax revenues and decrease benefits claims so much that I can get a tax cut?

    If not – I get no benefit from this at all.


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