ManWomanMyth: On White Sprinters & Female CEOs

The legendary British MRA and vlogger Rowland Adelagun – “ManWomanMyth” – recorded at least 130 videos before his fall from a height in 2015 left him with severe brain injury – our playlist of those videos is here. Shortly before his fall he started posting videos in which he appeared personally, in his “Humanity Bites” channel. My favourite of these latter videos is On White Sprinters & Female CEOs (video, 22:51). He kindly travelled to my home town, the throbbing metropolis of Bedford, to interview me for the video.

We’re in regular touch with MWM – one of our supporters, Andy, meets with him weekly – and we take him out for lunch every month.

Our last general election manifesto is here.

Our YouTube channel is here, our Facebook channel here, our Twitter channel here.

If everyone who read this gave us £5.00 – or even better, £5.00 or more, monthly – we could change the world. £5.00 monthly would entitle you to Bronze party membership, details here. Benefits include a dedicated and signed book by Mike Buchanan (more books for higher membership levels). Click below to make a difference. Thanks.

Nobody connected with J4MB has ever drawn any personal income from the party’s income streams. If you’d like to support Mike Buchanan personally, you can do so via his PayPal account (, his Patreon account or through Bitcoin, his account address is 1EfWxqDAtgJDCR3tVpvVj4fXSuUu4S9WJf . Thank you.

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